We'll cheer you to do it, you can post in here or try to publish it on steam to make some money
Welcome, dear! Me? Nothing, just someone. Oh, and don't get startled if your electric devices go crazy tonight. It is just me paying you a visit. :)
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Joined on 1/3/24
We'll cheer you to do it, you can post in here or try to publish it on steam to make some money
I'll sure post it here, I'm not sure about steam but I was thinking of itch.io as well
Yeah. Continue it. I cheer you to do it. It doesn't matter if in the end the result doesn't convince you, because, after all, that's still gonna be experience that you're gonna gain from continuing making it, and that experience is gonna help you for making a better next visual novel in the future, anyhow.
You know what, I think you're right! Besides, it's going to be fun too. Thanks for your opinion! :D