Hello everybody!! As most of you know, today is a special day in Newgrounds! For another year, all the Piconjo fans come together to celebrate Piconjo day once more! This year's theme is "Dragon P3n0r" and I've had lots of fun going through all the submissions from all those talented artists this site has!
It was such a shame I didn't have time to participate as well, but that's no problem because I'm here to give you all something better! A special interview with the one and only "g0d 0f t3h pr0tal". Our loving god, Piconjo!!
TFK: Staring of with a basic question, how did you discover Newgrounds?
P: I kn0w a11 of teh intern3t... intimately LOL. I plug mai p3n0r adn jack 0ff in2 teh Gheytrix adn there is n00gr0unds fu11 of toadies 4 m3 2 pwn.
TFK: How did you come up with the idea of a character named "Piconjo" with such interesting powers?
P: I am n0t just a character. Teh flash m00vies r teh r3al tr00 st0ries of Piconjo pwning.
once up0n a tiem
Piconjo > j00
then Piconjo pwns j00
teh edn
TFK: Would you like to share an interesting fact about Piconjo or even yourself that your fans don't know?
P: there r teh cl00s in mai m00vies that l3ad 2 gr8 tr3asure adn kn0wledge.
walk teh path.
kn0w j00r en3my,
kn0w j00rs3lf,
kn0w Piconjo.
TFK: How did you get interested in making animations?
P: I haxx teh Gheytrix adn out p00ps anything. s0emtiems they r teh flash m00vies.
but everything I maek is 1337.
TFK: Do you make videos simply because you like doing so or do you want to become famous?
P: such trite ideas d0 n0t amuse m3.
teh m00vies r n0t there 4 m3, they r there 4 j00.
adn j00 over there.
but 4 every1
bcuz Piconjo <3 j00
TFK: Inspired by the previous question, how would you feel if you went viral one day, became a "trend"?
wtf idc bcuz lol
as l0ng as teh m00vies maek smi1es, laffs, cries, adn teh luv then it is a s33d that spr3ads moer than any faek & ghey virus teh toadies can try 2 maek every1 retarded. Teh pwnage.
TFK: Who do you consider you best friend(s) on this site?
Piconjo <3 every1
but Piconjo <3 LegendaryFr0g teh m0st bcuz he suxx mai p3n0r teh m0st.
TFK: What was the best and worst thing you experienced on Newgrounds?
P:b3st thing was pwning toadies.
w0rst thing was toadies being ghey adn retraded, but that was also part of teh b3st thing LOL
TFK: Is there somebody you want to collaborate with for a project or admire in general?
P: Tauconjo
TFK: Apart from uploading on Newgrounds, what else do you enjoy doing in your free time?
P: Pwning toadies, helping 0thers walk teh 1337 path of pwnage, tracking d0wn teh g00glol m0nster 2 pwn in teh buttz 4 big exp3rience p0ints x9000 omg, adn fighting kidn3y disease.
TFK: How did it feel to look at the first fanart somebody made for you?
P: that was a l0ng tiem ag0...
felt liek being b0rn thru teh h3art of pa55i0n adn purp0se
TFK: Similar to the previous question, what were your thoughts while seeing the submissions for the first Piconjo day?
P: OMG <3'd it a11 adn maed m3 spl00j
There haev b33n a few different "Piconjo Day"
NG Rumblebutt Faekonjo is ghey
Pman adn his butt m0nkey r Allghey adn g0t pwned bu77licking each 0ther lol
Piconjo Day summ0ned m3 fr0m teh-d3pths-that-n3ver-is-adn-has-n3ver-been adn n0w a y3arly 0ccurrance<3
TFK: Do you think you will ever do a face-reveal, show to people the man behind Piconjo?
P: alr3ady haev
TFK: A little bit of a silly question but, is there anyone that can defeat Piconjo?
P: there is n0 such thing as def3at 0nly 1337
pwned teh fr0g
pwned teh kn0x
pwned teh Tricky
pwned teh Waid
pwned teh tomfl0p
pwned teh 9/11
pwned teh Pman
pwned teh tw0faec
pwned teh buttm0nkey
pwned teh Ghetrix
pwned j00r m0m
pwned j00
Piconjo pwns j00
but it is bcuz
Piconjo <3 j00
adn j00 cann0t def3at <3
but Piconjo pwnz <3 LOL!!!!!!1!!1!
TFK: Lastly, is there anything you want to say to your fans?
P: this Piconjo Day... #pray4Piconjo
Haev a 1337 Piconjo Day<3
I might haev 2 say g00dbai
Well, there you have it, folks! A huge thanks to Piconjo for this interview, taking the time to answer all these questions! It was truly an honour! Happy Piconjo day to everyone! And remember...
PICONJO <3S J00!!11!!!
haev a 1337 Piconjo Day every1 - Piconjo <3 j00 a11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!