Workin' out I see :D
Workin' out I see :D
Leavanny: Don't worry, just some ketchup B)
Cool one! Looks like she has A LOT of power in her hands :3
I wonder what she's gonna do with it.
That's me right there, hahaha :)
Yeah, Patrick, that is DEFINETELY a giraffe, no cap bro.
Cool drawing, I like how you always prefer to do it the traditional way.
Traditional animation is what I grew up with knowing and watching a lot cartoons and 2D animated films is probably one of the many reasons I enjoy drawing so much.
N O I C E! :0
Nice one! I love this art style!
(send help, the game is making me simp for COOKIES)
thank you so much!
and I feel you! the cookies designs are so fun and beautiful. also really love the story and their lore <3
Looking delicious :)
That's so freaking cool!! :0
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