Jokes aside though, this is really good, well-drawn and has a very good story, keep it up!
Jokes aside though, this is really good, well-drawn and has a very good story, keep it up!
This looks rll cool!
I'm sorry mistah/ma'am, I had to, you are drawn so beautifully I couldn't just NOT follow you.
Wow, this looks so detailed and the designs are incredible! That's some legit good art right there!
Thank you very much!
Oh hell no, if I see this in my room at night I'm getting on the first bus outta there, fr
Good job! :)
100% with you. Thanks!
This art style combined with those beautiful colours is just *chef's kiss*
That's so detailed and beautiful, I love it!
I'm falling in love with your art, man!
This looks so good! Especially, the colours, they match so well!
Ayo buddy, how did u get in there?? And most importantly, what were you DOING in there!
Welcome, dear! Me? Nothing, just someone. Oh, and don't get startled if your electric devices go crazy tonight. It is just me paying you a visit. :)
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