Pico in this style looks amazing!
Pico in this style looks amazing!
It turned out pretty cool dude! 😲
Thank you!
Dipper: *cutely saves picture* XD
That's good though, ngl!
Man, that's sick!! Bringing some good ol' memories. :)
Thank you!
I can just IMAGINE the person's facial expression like 💀
That's amazing!
Great, now I'M HUNGRY!
Happy Valentine's day!! :D (late, xD)
"Have you been kissing with the chicken AGAIN??"
This is adorable though!
She said three words though :)
"All my fellas"
I would never understand how just three words can auto play a song in someone brain.
That's dark magic, man.
Welcome, dear! Me? Nothing, just someone. Oh, and don't get startled if your electric devices go crazy tonight. It is just me paying you a visit. :)
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Joined on 1/3/24