Dude really said: B)
Dude really said: B)
Yup! That's him!
Pretty sick! ROAR!
Amazing! I love the details, especially in the backround!
Adorable! :P
ENA: eheh, took her out for a walk, srry
It's so cute! And the way those colour match!! My favourite (=^•^=)
Thank you! >^< Ourple a great color!
Why is Pico looking at me like that? 🤨
Uncle? Whose uncle is he? 🤨
He more like act like an Uncle. Also, in his older very old design, he was an Uncle to two Characters :)
I want to eat your art *nom nom*
:O Oh nyooo! Not my art!
Welcome, dear! Me? Nothing, just someone. Oh, and don't get startled if your electric devices go crazy tonight. It is just me paying you a visit. :)
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Joined on 1/3/24