It looks so cool! Welcome to Newgrounds. We're a bunch of crazy people that like to make a bunch of crazy stuff together, you'll like it here :)
It looks so cool! Welcome to Newgrounds. We're a bunch of crazy people that like to make a bunch of crazy stuff together, you'll like it here :)
It's the mustache caterpillar!!
T3h g0d 0f t3h l3g0 iz h3r333!!!
Well, lil buddy was hungry
Woohoo, hangin' out :3
Awa, she is sad again :(
I love ENA so much, she's my personal fave :3
Edit: Couldn't agree more!
yes, I love her so much, she deserves the world and more
Yay, it's KittyhawkMontrose!!
You're oc is so cool!!
"Oh, there's so much fire here! I must be in heaven... God?... What are you doing with that flamethrower...God?!"
Looks good!!
Welcome, dear! Me? Nothing, just someone. Oh, and don't get startled if your electric devices go crazy tonight. It is just me paying you a visit. :)
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Joined on 1/3/24