Lil bro put glue on his chin just for the mask like truefyran wondered, woooow.
But this art is great!
Lil bro put glue on his chin just for the mask like truefyran wondered, woooow.
But this art is great!
It's... It's too cute... My heart... Bleuh-
Simply "like it"? This is a masterpiece!
Pico's school kids... A S S E M B L E!!
"Finally, a worthy opponent. This battle shall be legendary!"
It looks so cute!! >_<
I'm coming Stan, I don't care if I'm 12 years late, I'm coming!
What? 15 years late? Nah, who cares, I love this! I'd definitely watch it if it was an anime
Everything does get better in the end. I'm glad to hear that your life has improved thanks to your new healthy relationship, instead for that previous asshole. Hope it becomes even greater!
Thank you very much for those words!
CHILLZO, CHILLAX! (pun intended)
Rim shot*)
Ty my silly willy
Welcome, dear! Me? Nothing, just someone. Oh, and don't get startled if your electric devices go crazy tonight. It is just me paying you a visit. :)
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Joined on 1/3/24