Awh, isn't she an absolute cutie? 😍😍
Awh, isn't she an absolute cutie? 😍😍
Woah, this is beautiful! Yet simple! Love it
Now, now... isn't this a real masterpiece.
Honestly non even comparable to the original, but I still thank you for the compliment!
I'm really glad you liked it!
Oh shoot!- What's happening?! 😨
"I saw her and she hit me like TADOW"
(* trumpit sounds here *)
do we keep the outfit tho????///
Creepy stuff = the best stuff
Wow! Thank you
Oh hell nooo, he came back for the rematch!
Oh no-
Well, this looks awesome! Every little detail of it!
Who's that? 😨
We don't know..
(Maybe Chara lmafo *)
Welcome, dear! Me? Nothing, just someone. Oh, and don't get startled if your electric devices go crazy tonight. It is just me paying you a visit. :)
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