She looks so cute! And the name fits so well!
Also, happy birthday!
She looks so cute! And the name fits so well!
Also, happy birthday!
Thanks so much!!
This looks amazing!
I like da frog over there, he goes weeee 😂
Thanks. :D!
This looks so realistic, oh my god!... I ain't swimming again, lol
Hahahah thanks! we fear the long bois and sharks bit those dolphins boyos are just there doing the wildest stuff!
Oh, yeah! I saw that in the forum! It's so freaking cute!
thank youuu <3
J E L L Y :) Jello!
It feels so oddly heartwarming
Thank you :D
ડꪮ ᥴꪊ𝕥ꫀ
Aww, thank you! >^<
It's so cute!! :D
Aww, thanks! >^<
Found this late but... I'll pay 1,337 dollars/euros for that plush, gimme that 🔫😃
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