What a romantic scene, truly touching. And the music brings out the emotional part of me. Ah, happy Valentine's day, this is tru luv
What a romantic scene, truly touching. And the music brings out the emotional part of me. Ah, happy Valentine's day, this is tru luv
Thank God Alastor didn't pop up
I would like to order five packs, do you have shippings to Greece? :3
We ship for everyone! Piconjo's p3n0r is for all ❤️
4ll I wan7 4 Piconjomas iz j00<3
Loved the thumbnail XDD
The greatest question... Why was he tongue stuck on a lamppost, what were she trying to do? :')
Great animation tho, I love the art style
Merry Tankmas to all citizens of Newgrounds
That's some real nice work over there!
Buff dog XD
Did I understand the lyrics? Hell nah, but the animation is really good
Welcome, dear! Me? Nothing, just someone. Oh, and don't get startled if your electric devices go crazy tonight. It is just me paying you a visit. :)
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Joined on 1/3/24